Table of Contents | Introduction | Excerpt from Chapter One
Tom Hudson's lively legal wit and wisdom in CARLAW will not only entertain, but will also inform dealers and laymen alike. Both groups can benefit from this wide-ranging collection of stories illustrating the perils of automobile litigation and the ways to avoid it. With topics like, "A Bad Day in Dealerville", "Terrorism, Dealer Risks and Costs" and "Wanna Buy Your Lawyer a Yacht?"
Hudson draws on his thirty years of comprehensive legal expertise. He harnesses his considerable writing and speaking abilities to cite actual cases, some of which strain credulity.
Tom Hudson is the author of numerous articles on auto dealer practices and finance, published in the World of Special Finance, Auto Dealer Monthly, F&I Magazine, and, among others. He is a sought-after speaker from coast to coast on topics of legal interest to organizations like The American Financial Services Association, The National Automotive Finance Association, The American Bar Association, The National Automobile Dealers Association and state auto dealer associations.
CARLAW includes timely advice on matters essential to automobile aficionados, both professional and pedestrian. His topics are varied and inclusive:
This compelling narrative - spirited, candid and humorous - will stimulate and educate readers who will appreciate the law spelled out - not in legalese - but in story.
As Tom Hudson asks, "Wanna buy your lawyer a yacht?" If NOT, then read CARLAW!