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Consumer credit compliance titles written by the attorneys of Hudson Cook, LLP

CARLAW® Compliance Series - A Dealer's Guide to the Red Flags Rule
by Michael A. Benoit, Hudson Cook, LLP

A Dealer's Guide to the Red Flags Rule is a handy reference tool that provides busy dealers with a step-by-step roadmap to designing and implementing an Identity Theft Prevention Program as required by the Federal Trade Commission's new Red Flags Rule, in advance of the January 1, 2011 enforcement date. The mandatory compliance date was November 1, 2008 but enforcement was delayed for companies under FTC jurisdiction until January 1, 2011. The topics address how to design and implement reasonable policies and procedures to:

  • Identify Red Flags in the dealership
  • Detect and evaluate Red Flags at the customer transaction level
  • Respond appropriately to the Red Flags detected
  • Periodically update the Identity Theft Prevention Program as necessary
  • and more ...

See our companion product: Red Flags Sample Templates - a complete set of templates and documents to help you manage your Red Flags Rule compliance.

A Dealer's Guide to the Red Flags Rule contains helpful suggestions for managing the Identity Theft Prevention Program in the dealership, as well as a sample Identity Theft Prevention Program dealers may use as the basis for their own specific Programs. The information is presented in an easy to read format, with as little "legalese" and as much useful and practical information as possible. The goal is to give dealers a solid, basic working knowledge of the Red Flags Rule.

Red Flags Rule Guide
2008 • Softcover
63 Pages